Nicotine dependence: reasons, symptoms and treatment

Nicotine dependence: reasons, symptoms and treatment

Nicotine dependence manifests itself by physical dependence on the main substance of tobacco products – nicotine and by psychological dependence on smoking. The habit of smoking is not just a bad habit although, but a real disease, which is unfortunately very widespread. A lot of people of different gender, age, level of material wealth and social position suffer from nicotine dependence. The difference between them consists in the price of tobacco goods they use to satisfy their requirements.

While nicotine makes a man take the next cigarette, the other toxic substances slowly poison his organism. It is nicotine that causes addiction to cigarettes due to its ability to make the smoker feel better both psychically and physically. The absence of cigarettes leads to withdrawal pains or abstinence syndrome, which causes the number of unpleasant feelings and general feeling unwell.

Reasons of nicotine dependence

Some people tried to smoke, when they were teenagers, but they didn’t become smokers. Why? The thing is that there are several factors responsible for forming nicotine dependence. First of all the environment of a man plays a great role here. It is an open secret that the majority of smokers conceived a liking for tobacco very early, following the example of their friends and mates.

Genetic predisposition also plays its role in forming tobacco dependence. The people, whose parents or close relatives smoke, are more liable to addiction to cigarettes. The environment is very important here, as one fool makes many. People, who don’t enjoy the process of smoking, will practically never become smokers.

The next risk factors of developing nicotine dependence are psychological problems, nervous disorders, schizophrenia and susceptibility to depressions. Although, such reasons are true for those people mostly, who start smoking being adults already.

Symptoms of nicotine dependence

Smoking a cigarette or a cigar to make your pals a company on a holiday doesn’t mean you became a tobacco addict. There are several symptoms identifying nicotine dependence:

The main problem of all smokers is the need to maintain the necessary level of nicotine in the blood. To all that the organism of a smoker gets gradually used to this substance and then it demands from the smoker to increase the daily number of cigarettes. In about 30-40 minutes after the last cigarette the smoker feels like smoking again. The nicotine effect disappears in 12 hours. That is why the most of people, suffering from tobacco addiction, search for a cigarette right after awakening.

Attempts to smoke light cigarettes with less amount of nicotine instead of the usual ones doesn't help to give up the bad habit, but makes it even worse. It makes the person smoke more frequently and more number of cigarettes, as he receives the insufficient amount of nicotine with the lights.

Diagnosis and treatment for nicotine dependence

Unlike other toxic dependences, the smoker realizes the harm of his nicotine addiction quite clear (in most of the cases). Many people can stop smoking once and forever with the help of their strong will and desire. But sometimes the smokers need to visit a clinic to get a qualitative help.

The level of nicotine addiction can be revealed with the help of Fagerstrem test, containing 10 questions. The test results help to find out the severity of dependence of the patient and choose the appropriate ways of treatment.

The treatment of nicotine dependence is a complex treatment, including both psychological and physiological aspects. The right method will most likely provide the successful result. Thefollowingmethodswillhelptoquitsmoking:

Replacement therapy, or using medicines containing nicotine. They are nicotine gums, patches, inhalers and sprays. There are also drugs with alcaloids, which are similar to nicotine by their effect (Tabex). All these medicines do no harm, because harmful substances are those, which appear after burning tobacco, but not nicotine itself.

Taking antidepressants (Zyban, Pamelor) causes forming the hormones of happiness, which were formed under nicotine influence before. Besides, these substances prevent weight gaining, typical after smoking cessation.

Champix - is a medicine, which decreases the symptoms connected with refusal of cigarettes. Also it is able to decrease the feeling of happiness caused by smoking.

Psychotherapy. Many people, who gave up smoking, need a support. Therefore individual or group psychotherapy will be of much help in this situation. Also the former smokers can find moral help and support on specialized websites, where they communicate with each other and share their feelings and experiences about a new lifestyle.

Unfortunately not everyone is able to overcome his dependence at once. But one or several failed attempts don't mean there is nothing else to do now, but to give up. The man needs to try again and again. He may get rid of his thoughts of smoking, if he finds some important thing to do or a new hobby. In the period of quitting smoking it is recommended to eat substantial food, drink a lot of water, don't drink much coffee and exclude alcohol.

Increasing physical activity and physical exercises are very good now, as far as such activities provoke dopamine and serotonin excretion, what considerably improves the mood and helps to give up smoking much easier.

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