Nicotine patch helps to quit smoking

Nicotine patch helps to quit smoking

A nicotine patch is one more way to quit smoking. A nicotine replacement therapy and further eliminating of nicotine out of the human body is used here. People began to apply nicotine patches in 80s of the 20th century and considered them as a very effective remedy against smoking. When a smoker decides to use patches, he must have a strong desire to leave off smoking. Otherwise such therapy won’t help him.

This kind of patch contains nicotine, which is concentrated on the surface of the active zone of patch. It should be applied to the part of the body (preferably not very haired) for the period of time, mentioned in instruction. It is necessary to place the patch on different parts of the body every day. It must be stick on the absolutely healthy skin (without such skin diseases, as eczema, psoriasis etc) only.

A single patch of French “Nikotinell” or German “Habitrol” releases 21 mg of nicotine into the body within 10 hours. It is as much, as a pack of cigarettes contains. Thus the smoker gets rid of physical need in nicotine, and smoking habitually a cigarette, he throws it unfinished, because it makes him feel sick and giddy. It is what we have theoretically. On practice the smoker could feel nothing like that, if his “degree of safety” is high enough.

The period of therapy consists of 12-16 weeks. The nicotine patch is practically used in gradual method of treatment from nicotine dependence. This therapy allows your body to get rid of a habit of smoking step by step.

Start your course with patches containing the most quantity of nicotine (from 15 to 21 mg depending on the brand of patch) and apply them during 8-12 weeks, taking into account your individual demands.

From the second week start using patches containing 10-14 mg of nicotine.

The last two weeks apply patches with the lowest dosage – 5-7 mg.

Side effect: sleeplessness, local skin irritation.

Today you may purchase nicotine patches through network of pharmacies or the Internet. They cost about 35 dollars a pack.

The most well-known up-to-date brands of nicotine patches are:

“Nicorette” - a pack of 7 patches costs 20 dollars. The course of treatment is 12 weeks, so you need to buy 7 packs or so.

“NicoDerm” and “Nicotrol” – a pack of 14 items will cost you 50 dollars in a web store.

“Nikotinell” – a pack of 7 patches will cost you 23 dollars.

“Habitrol” – 14 patches in a pack, costs 22 dollars in a web store.

“Niquitin” – you can purchase a pack of 7 items of 21 mg each - for 20 dollars.

Besides there are brand new patches, containing herbal extracts instead of nicotine. They are extracts of oriental herbs, such as cloves, cinnamon, Siberian ginseng and clove oil from flower buds. Such composition releases nicotine from the body, delivers from consequences of smoking, strengthens immunity, increases physical activity, stimulates mental activity, clears the blood, restores inner harmony and - what is the most important – delivers from smoking addiction!

“Tibet Highland Herbs” – are among such patches. A pack of 14 items costs 30 dollars (you need 2 packs for a course).

A transdermal nicotine patch “Lobelia Inflala” contains 30 items a pack and costs 50 dollars.

Alongside with nicotine patches there are nicotine gums, which are widely adopted as well. As for nicotine inhalers, they are now less popular and used not so much. 

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