Cannabis (port. mariguango - heady) psychotropic drug derived from the cannabis plant, contain more of the psychoactive substances (cannabinoids). Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) is an annual plant with a straight stem and long, narrow, serrated, shiny leaves covered with small hairs and forming the shape of the blade. When Cаnnаbis Matures, its leaves emit a very strong resin aroma, which contains cannabinoid. The most active of the cannabinoids is Delta-9-THC (C21H30O2).
Despite the fact that many single out several types of cannabis (Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis), in Botanical terms, there is only one variety of cannabis, Cannabis Sativa. For a long time it was believed that the resin-producing species that grows in hot regions differed from the inactive species that was grown in temperate regions for its fibers and seeds. The current overwhelming view is that the distinction between “resin cannabis” and “fiber cannabis” is determined essentially by climatic factors.
Cаnnаbis has several synonyms n languages (Cаnnаbis, cannabis, plan, marijuana, Ganja, grass, pot, weed, shalushka, weed, Gania, gravitar, shit, drape, weed, dust, Gaga, school, Shala, greens, green, Marivanna, Mary Jane (mj), hash, stuff, Dudka, Doodle, dope, parsley, shag, book, hay, bamboo, buds, cones, Pont, ponika, Hydra, heads, skunk, chunk, uncle, grandfather, Bhang, Cannabis, Doobie, Dope, Ganja, Grass, Hash, Hashish, Marihuana, Mary Jane, Pot, Weed).
Cannabis is the most common illicit drug. According to UNODC, 162 million people, or about 4 per cent of the world's population aged 15-64, used cannabis in 2004 (World Drug Report 2006, UNODC). In terms of prevalence of cannabis, Oceania ranks first, followed by North America and Africa.
In narcotic purposes often use the top of the plant with leaves and flowers that you can smoke or eat. Also widespread hashish (stone, hard, clay, hash, hash, handbrake, probigua, chemistry), which is derived from a resinous substance secreted by the plant to protect from the sun. It is made in the form of small pieces, sticks, thin plates, loaves, plates or powder. In the course of the same is hash (hash) oil obtained by extraction of THC volatile solvents. The introduction of solvents is also "Khimki". Cаnnаbis soaked in a solution of PCP is a slang name of "Basil" or "wet."
When Smoking, the primary effects appear almost immediately, reach a maximum for half an hour and then continue from 2 to 4 hours. When used inside the effect is much slower – within 1-2 hours, but then acts 5 hours or more.
Psychoactive effect of cannabinoids is due to the fact that they react cannabioids receptors — areas on the membranes of the synapses of nerve cells, also interacting with anadamide. Intoxication cannabioids slight euphoria, total relaxation and easy sleep. The person becomes more sensitive to the perception of color and sounds, the colors become more rich and vivid, subjectively acquire the importance of small details and objects. In terms of communication, a person becomes more sociable, cheerful and even chatty. His elated mood he aims to transmit to others. Is reduced or completely disappears in the level of aggressiveness.
Any, even the most simple actions, start at once to bring an inexplicable pleasure. Food, for example, seems so tastier that a person can eat at one sitting its usual daily rate.
At high doses, the subjective perception of time can change: individual time intervals seem to fall out of memory. As a result, a person tries to remember why he started this or that action or can not finish the sentence, forgetting where he started his idea. Also, being on the street or in a public place, suddenly begins to remember how he got here.
However, these sensations usually do not cause negative emotions, because there is some "splitting of consciousness": a person as if watching his ridiculous actions from the outside. Sometimes this causes bouts of rapid and long-term fun, but in General allows you to maintain control over their actions. In some cases - especially in combination with alcohol - there may be a state of panic, characterized by a vague feeling of threatening danger, anxiety and disorientation.
Signs Of cannabis use:
Elevated mood (cheerful state, uncontrollable fits of laughter, clearly inappropriate situation, carelessness, lightness). Fun state can go into aggression, a tendency to fight. «Ravenous appetite. Unnatural movement, coordination impaired (due to disturbed perception of objects change size). It "tripping". Redness of the eyeballs and lips. Increased pulse, high blood pressure, dry mouth. Can be felt the smell of cannabis.
Consequences of Cannabis use:
Cannabis has an impact on mental abilities: the ability to abstract thinking, learning, deteriorates near memory. Long-term consumption can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain.
Changes in brain activity can lead to ovulation disorders and a decrease in fertility in women. Cannabinoids can have a toxic effect on the development of the fetus, causing deviations in hatching, severe birth and early death of infants. The so-called" fetal cannabis syndrome", characterized by a decrease in the weight of born children and developmental abnormalities, is observed 5 times more often than the"fetal alcohol syndrome". Breastfeeding cannabinoids pass into the child's body.
Men have reduced testosterone levels. Persistent and prolonged use can change the hormonal background so that the development of adolescent sexual function. In severe cases, there is a decrease in the number of sperm and their mobility and an increase in the number of abnormal cells in sperm.
Smoking Cannabis causes all the harmful effects inherent in Smoking. Cannabis promotes the development of upper respiratory tract diseases and edema to a greater extent than tobacco.
Long-term consumption of Cannabis often produces psychological dependence among smokers. If you continue to use the smoker requires an increasing amount of Cannabis to get a good feeling in Addition, Cannabis is a "starter" drug. A fickle cannabis smoker often becomes a chronic consumer of this potion, or becomes a fan of “heavy” drugs such as cocaine, LSD, other hallucinogens.
The history of Cannabis:
70-Dioscorides Pedanius (Roman doctor) mentions in his work "about medicines", that Cannabis was used in Rome, as the medicine.
170 - Galen (Roman physician) said about the psychoactive properties of culinary products made using hemp seeds.
500-600-the Jewish Talmud mentions the euphoric properties of hemp. (E. Abel "Cannabis: the First two hundred years", 1980)
13th century-Ibn al-Baytar (Ibn al-Baytar) describes psychoactive properties of cannabis.
13th century Arab traders bring cannabis to the Mozambique coast of Africa.
1798 Napoleon discovers that much of Egypt's population of the lower classes uses hashish (Kimmens 1977). It completely prohibits hemp. Soldiers returning to France bring with them the tradition of cannabis use.
1840-in America are beginning sell drugs on the basis of cannabis. Hashish is freely available in Persian pharmacies.
1890-Greece prohibits the cultivation and use of hashish.
1890-Hashish is illegal in Turkey.
1915-1927-Hashish is prohibited for non-medical use in the United States, especially in California (1915), Texas (1919), Louisiana (1924), and new York (1927).
1928-non-Medical use of hashish is prohibited in England.
1934-the first steps of the government of China in 1935 to stop the cultivation of cannabis in the Yarkend.
1936-Out propaganda film "reef madness" ("Reefer Madness") made, for the American youth to prevent her use of hashish.
1937-Cannabis is illegal in the USA with the adoption of the law "Marihuana Tax Act".
1961-cannabis (also known as Cannabis) was incorporated into the single UN Convention on narcotic drugs, according to which any non - medical use of the substances listed therein is prohibited. The Convention has been ratified by 148 countries.
1988-the Judge from DEA, Francis young, makes a statement that Cannabis can be used for medical purposes and must be re-classified as "prescription medicine". His recommendation is ignored.
October 23, 2001-British home Secretary David Blunkett (David Blunkett) proposes to reduce hashish's position from class b to class C in the list of narcotic substances. But on June 10, 2002, his proposal was rejected.