Cathinone, 2-amino-1-phenyl-l-propanone (norEphedron, beta-metamfetamin) is an alkaloid is a natural amphetamine and is contained in the plant Khat (khat, katha, Arabic tea) - shrub of the family bereskleta - celastraceae, appearance reminiscent of the tea Bush. Its action is very similar to Ephedron. Chemical formula (C9H11NO). Cat is common in the Arabian Peninsula, Ethiopia, East and South Africa. On a small scale, it is also cultivated in India and Sri Lanka. Cathinone also produced in the handicraft way from phenylpropanolamine.
Metkatinon 2-(methylamino)-1-phenylpropan-1 — on (Ephedron) - a strong short-acting Central nervous system stimulant from the class of cathinones, obtained by oxidizing Ephedron mainly artisanal methods, because a great knowledge of chemistry is not required.
Cathinone and Methcathinone can be compared as twins, amphetamine (phenamine) and methamphetamine (pervitin, methamphetamine).
Synonyms of cations (Jeff, Merciful, Mulk)
Consequences of the use of Cathinone (Methcathinone):When chewing fresh kata leaves there are effects, vaguely reminiscent of the action of small doses of cocaine or amphetamine. They are mainly expressed in light euphoria, increased heart rate and muscle relaxation. Under his influence, people become very talkative and seem inadequate and emotionally unstable. Cat can provoke inappropriate behavior and hyperactivity. Cat strongly suppresses appetite and its use can also lead to constipation. Kat has a strong astringent effect, therefore, after him there is a strong thirst.
Intravenous injection of Cathinone (Methcathinone) its effect is expressed much more strongly:
Drugs of the Cathinone induce mild euphoria and excitement. Immediately after the injection there is a feeling of coming, "blow to the head", "a rush of blood to the head". Often there is chills, tingling in the hands and feet, the feeling of crawling goosebumps, "hair stand on end." Almost immediately there is a rapid heartbeat. Increases mood, activity. Accelerating for thought. There is a surge of strength and a thirst for activity. After the first drug administration, drug intoxication lasts from one to three hours, then decreases almost to half an hour.
Methcathinone acts more intensively. The effects of meth are very similar to those of methamphetamine. Effects usually last 4 to 6 hours and include: euphoria, increased attention, enlarged pupils, fast breathing, palpitation, communicability, empathy, libido enhancement (possibly Vice versa).
Under the influence of methcathinone person can easily forget to drink enough fluids, which can lead to dehydration. Prolonged use of methcathinone can cause insomnia, long nosebleeds, and sometimes depression. Clinical studies have shown that methcathinone causes a strong dependence comparable to that of methamphetamine.
Continuous administration of Cathinone (Methcathinone) in any form causes both psychological and physical dependence. Addicts who " got " on account told that at the beginning of anesthesia, the multiplicity of the solution is usually 2-3 times a day, and then increased to 6-8 times. In some cases, the average daily number of injections can be much higher, up to 25 injections per day. In such conditions, the complete degradation of the individual develops within one to a maximum of two years.
In preparation of Cathinone (Methcathinone) potassium permanganate is used. For this reason, the Cathinone (Methcathinone) contains a small amount of manganese, which, however, is able for several years to cause severe damage to the Central and peripheral nervous systems - the "manganese polyneuromyopathy", manifested by dementia and paralysis of the limbs. Ephedron (norEphedron) causes other complications: paranoid psychosis, cardiac arrhythmias, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, caries. An indirect complication of the abuse of Ephedron (norEphedron) is General dystrophy.
Signs of the use of Cathinone (Methcathinone):
Outward signs of the use of cathinone (methcathinone) are rapid pulse, dilated pupils, chills and sweating. Violations of coordination of movements are also characteristic.
Also, the use of cathinone (methcathinone) leads to loss of appetite, causes nausea, anorexia, insomnia, increased irritability, akathisia, skin itching, hyperemia, tachycardia, mydriasis and headache.
From the history of Cathinone (Methcathinone):
The origin of the plant Cat is controversial. Some believe that it comes from Ethiopia, where it then spread to the highlands of East Africa and Yemen. Others believe that cat comes from Yemen, from where it was distributed by the Arabs to neighboring countries.
In the 1770s Peter Forsskål in his work “Flora aegyptiaco Arabica”, published by X. Nibur, gives a description of this plant.
In 1928 was the first synthesis of Methcathinone.
In 30-40-ies of the 20th century, Methcathinone has been used as an antidepressant.
Since the 1960s, Methcathinone has been used for recreational purposes by the Soviet addicts.
Until 1967 the cat in a large amount were imported to Aden from Ethiopia.
In 1978, cathinone was obtained synthetically.
In 1994, the US advised the UN to make methcathinone in schedule I of banned substances.