Mandrax is a synthetic drug that is a mixture of Dimedrol and methaqualone in certain proportions. The name of the drug received from the mandrakes (plants of the family Solanaceae that contains the alkaloids). Refers to depressants.
Slang names of mandrax, which can be found: White Pipe, Buttons, MX, Gholfsticks, Doods, Lizards, Press outs, Flowers. Mandrax is distributed in the form of tablets on the black market.
Addicts use it both separately and as a mixture with marijuana. Today, mandrax is one of the most commonly used drugs in Asian and African countries. In Russia and Europe, mandrax is not common.
The active component of Mandrax is methaqualone-sedative and hypnotic, which also has a moderate anticonvulsant effect. Enhances the action of barbiturates, analgesics, neuroleptics. For sleeping pills, the effect is not inferior to the barbiturates. Brands: Dormigen, Dormotil, Quaalud, Motolon, Orton, Aqualon, Bendor, Citexal, Dormigen, Dormilone, Dormised, Dormotil, Dorsedine, Holodorm, Ipnolan, Ipnosed, Mandrax, Mekvalon, Melsom, Mequalon, Mezulon, Motolon, Mynal, Nobadorm, Noctene, Normest, Optinoxan, Orthonal, Quaalude, Revonal, Ronqualone, Somberol, Somnidon, Somnomed, Somnotropon, Tolinon, Toquilone, Toraflon, Torinal, etc. Turnover of methaqualone is prohibited.
Consequences of the use of Mandrax:
Mandrax has many side effects. The drug very quickly causes physical and mental addiction. Also, the consequences of the use of mandrax will definitely be emotional problems, aggression and depression, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, headaches and muscle pain, there is a toxic psychosis, epilepsy can develop. Smoking mandrax leads to emphysema and other lung diseases.
The outward signs of receiving Mandrax:
A person who uses the drug mandrax can be determined by yellow stained hands, blood-spattered eyes, emaciated appearance, rotten teeth, constant sleepy state, loss of appetite, increased secretion of saliva, swollen abdomen, lower heart rate, indistinct speech, photophobia.
From the history of Mandrax:
Methaqualone synthesized in 1951 as a safe substitute for barbiturates in India by Kishore Kakar and Syed Hussain Zaheer. In the 60-70 years of the drug is actively promoted as a sedative drug. It was then that the hallucinations and quickly addictive mix tablets spread among musicians and young people. In 1968, the band Deep Purple wrote Mandrake root (Mandrake root), dedicated to fashionable wheels. In many countries, methaqualone is listed in Schedule I of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control.