Nazaraliev Jengishbek Bolsunbekovich – is a Doctor of Medical Science, professor, the president of Medicine Center of Dr. Nazaraliev, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of World Federation of Mental Health (Springfield, USA), coordinator of Regional Office ICAA of Central Asia (ICAA - International Council on Alcohol and Alcoholism (Losanna, Switzerland)), member of Transpersonal Psychology Association (Palo Alto, USA), member of Humanistic Psychology Association (Alameda, USA), president of Universal League “Mind free of drugs”.
Results of his investigations are published in 70 scientific works, their originality and academic novelty are proved by 10 patents. Scientific data, received by Dr. Nazaraliev in the course of performing actual research programs devoted to major narcology directions, are presented at international congresses, symposia and conferences in 20 countries of the world.
Therapeutic conception of the method is based on two general components: physical and psychical dependences.
To achieve remission from physical dependence and restore the physical health - is the first part of therapeutic conception for drug and alcohol dependence by Nazaraliev method. Against drug abstinence (withdrawal pains) Dr. Nazaraliev uses so-called “atropine coma”. The abstinence syndrome is getting decreased with the help of faints, caused by atropine, known as a strong vasodilator. The sense of such procedure consists in specific chemical interaction of substances in organism. Faints decrease drug addiction, and withdrawal pains can be stood much easier in the state of unconsciousness or near-unconscious condition. Of course, such treatment is extremely hard to bear for patients themselves.
The second and the most important part of the conception is to achieve remission from psychical dependence, rehabilitate the integrity and resistance of psychic, reconstruct the personality for valid return of the patient to society. In Nazaraliev method, based on author approach to chemical dependence treatment, the therapeutic conception is realized in difficult, scientifically proved complex of medicamental and non-medicamental methods, which provide the patients with total deliverance from drug addiction.
The treatment of drug addicts is performed by certain units:
UNIT I. The therapy of physical dependence
Stage 1
Detotoxication of the body. Formation of therapeutic remission. Complete checkup of the patient, central cholinolytic blockade, infusion therapy, immunomodulatory therapy, laser therapy, plasmapheresis or if needed – hemosorption, hyperbaric oxygenation therapy after 2-3 seances of central cholinolytic blockade, cranial electrotherapy stimulation (electrodes are placed on ears), massage therapy, acupuncture, manual therapy. Up to 15 days, Bishkek, MCN.
Stage 2
Recovery of patient’s health. Formation of sanogenic motivations. Physiogenic detoxification (sauna, simulator sessions), enterosorption, continuation of the course of acupuncture and manual therapy, massage therapy. Reconstructive psychotherapy (drug dependent – co-dependent), acquaintance with Mountain of Salvation Tashtar-Ata philosophy, «Lapidopsychotherapy» training, 5 days, Bishkek, MCN.
UNIT II. Remission from psychical dependence
Stage 3
Formation of motivational remission. Person-centered therapy for working out healthy motivations, attitudes and mental tolerance to stress. Learning new trainings of psycho-energetic transformation of Mindcrafting system: respiratory psycho-training “Absolutus”, integral yoga meditation by Sri Aurobindo, Dervish dance, training with AUM sound, lapidopsychotherapy, relax training Shavasana. Taking part in the program of health improvement and activization of hidden reserves of personal growth “Seventh Heaven”, 7-10 days. Mid-mountain sanatorium-resort rehab clinic of MCN (Beshkungey village), the South shore of Issyk Kul, Ak-Tengir complex.
Stage 4 (Final stage). Complete remission from psychical dependence
Self-immersion training “Silence”
Preparation and giving a seance of stress-energetic psychotherapy (SEPT) or, at the patient's option, pilgrimage to Tashtar-Ata mountain. Ritual of Freedom on the Mountain of Salvation Tashtar-Ata: I’m clean! I’m free! Certification of the participants of the program “Seventh Heaven”, 3-5 days.
Mid-mountain sanatorium-resort rehab clinic of MCN (Beshkungey village).
Term explanations, given in the section “Stages of treatment”:
1.Medically induced remission – the absence of desire to use drugs or alcohol after treatment, particularly after remission from physical dependence.
2.Sanogenic – health saving, pointed at recovery.
2а. Sanogenic motivations – conscious activity directed at recovery and exclusion of narcotics and alcohol from one’s life.
3. Motivational remission - is a life without narcotics, conscious choice of healthy living, conscious sobriety.