Are snuff and chewing tobacco really dangerous or not?

snuff and chewing tobacco

Snuff tobacco (snuff)

is very similar to cigar tobacco. It is produced from dark leaves fine chopped and flavored.

For the first time snuff was mentioned in American literature, and it was connected with American Indians, who inhaled tobacco. The first person who described snuff was a monk called Ramon Pane in 1493, when Columbus visited America for the second time.

Such tobacco doesn’t belong to any particular sort and differs only by manufacturer or added flavor. The amount of flavorings is great, starting from orange and up to vanilla and bergamot. All depends on your taste and preferences.

There are several methods of inhaling tobacco. You may line tobacco and inhale it with the help of a rolled tube; or put tobacco on opisthenar; or make a pinch of snuff, put it into nostril and breathe into. Everyone snuffs how he wishes.

Tobacco manufacturers advertise this kind of tobacco as not dangerous. They say also, it helps to stop smoking. Such tobacco is said to have a lot of advantages as compared to tobacco for smoking. Among them are the absence of bad smell, the absence of combustion products and no damage for people around.

In truth this tobacco is no less dangerous, than tobacco for smoking. There are many blood vessels in the nose. Through them nicotine gets quickly into blood and strikes the brain. Besides, the nasal mucosa can be badly burned by nicotine. The nose becomes red in color and flabby; eyes are watering; you constantly want to sneeze. This tobacco contains a high level of cancerogens. The risk of cancer, it may become the reason of, is higher, than the risk of smoking tobacco.

The research proved that such tobacco contains a big amount of sodium, which increases blood pressure, and scientists from Sweden found out, that it increases the danger of hypertension three times.

Chewing tobacco (snuss)

Snuss came to us from Scandinavian countries, but Sweden is considered to be its homeland. The first box with chewing tobacco was produced in Stockholm in 1822 by “Ettan” company. In 1860, less than 40 years later, 335 of 348 tobacco manufactures of USA produced chewing tobacco. Each year snuss sales grow twice all over the world.

People use snuss the following way: they put tobacco under the upper lip and hold it there from 5 to 30 minutes. You shouldn’t chew or swallow snuss, but can swallow the saliva excreting during the usage of tobacco.

Chewing tobacco (snuss) is produced from chopped tobacco and rustic tobacco leaves with addition of flavors. By effect and composition it is close to snuff tobacco. The advantages of snuss are said to be similar to those of snuff. The main substance of such tobacco is nicotine. The amount of nicotine in snuss is 5 times more, than in a usual cigarette. Snuss causes fast addiction and nicotine dependence.

Besides, such tobacco is very cancerogenic. Snuss contains 28 well-known cancerogens, including nickel, polonium-210 (radioactive element) and nitroamines. Their concentration exceeds MPC (maximum permissible concentration) by 100 times. According to research data of ACS (The American Cancer Society), snuss consumers suffer from cancer of cheeks, gums and internal surface of lips 50 times more often. Tissular cells of these areas divide in attempt to create a barrier for tobacco, but under cancerogenic influence they turn into cancer cells.

Therewith tobacco contains sodium salts, which increase a risk of hypertension. As a result such people have extra risks of cerebrovascular accidents and heart attack.

We can summarize, that chewing tobacco and snuff tobacco do not propose a safe alternative to cigarettes.

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