The problem of drugs' addiction in the modern society is very sharp. Every year the white plague takes thousands of lives. It is the terrible, chronic disease that is appeared by the drugs' using. Herewith, the problem of the sick person becomes a trouble for his surroundings. The person who tied his life with drugs can forget about successful future only if he begins the treatment in time the hope for second chance is appeared. The main task of the relatives is to find out the symptoms of drugs' addiction as early as possible. The presence of drugs in body can be found by express tests like B tests. There are other medical methods that can be used after long period of time.
- diagnostics by hair;
- diagnostics by blood;
- diagnostics by urine;
- diagnostics by saliva;
- diagnostics by nail;
- identifying drugs by wipe analysis;
- the eye test to detect drug abuse;
- symptoms of drug use by appearance;
People that have the drugs' addiction have many variants of treatment. There are many specialized centers (state, commercial, religious). The municipality locations for drugs' addictive people are organized. If you want to choose the most effective method of treatment it's needed to overlook all methods. And remember the most important is tolerance and countenance.
- Extracorporeal detoxication in drug treatment;
- Drug treatment by Narconon program;
- Drug-abuse treatment by Detox program;
- Drug-abuse treatment by Nazaraliev;
- Hypnosis in drug-abuse treatment;
- Nonmedicamentous druguser rehabilitation;
- Acupuncture in drug-abuse treatment;