Hypnotherapy is a very effective way of alcoholism treatment, but unfortunately this way is not suitable for everyone. Hypnotherapy is indicated for treatment sympathists, who believe in the efficiency of method. However, sessions of hypnotherapy may cause relapses and failures by patients, who are sceptical about hypnotism or not ready to stop drinking.
Hypnosis allows many patients to suggest aversion to alcohol (up to nausea and vomiting), produce new healthy conditioned reflexes even on alcohol smell, sort of vessels and drinking establishment. During rational psychotherapy the patient receives the whole information about harm, which alcohol does for all human systems and organs right up to genital sphere and bad heredity – physical and mental deficiency and often weak-mindedness of a child. Under hypnosis the patient is also suggested the ability to resist the attempts of former drinking companions to make him drink hard again.
Such therapy is used either individually, or in special groups (group hypnosis).
Suggestive treatment (hypnotherapy) for alcoholism and smoking appeared at the end of 20th century. The method is unique indeed. The suggestive process consists in creating active psycho-physiological dominance, aimed at healthy way of life and preventing from tobacco and alcohol usage.
For 30 years and up to now this method is successfully used in treatment for alcoholism and considered to be the most effective and humane.
Pros of hypnotic treatment:
Obligatory requirements to the patient:
The first and the most important condition of the method – hypnotherapy must be done according to own will of the patient. Done under compulsion, such therapy won’t lead to intended effect, on the contrary, it may lead to adverse effect and keep therapeutic outcome of suggestive method to a minimum. When the patient wishes to recover from alcoholism, alter his life for the better, such mood will help to accept the coding and avoid possible relapses. The stage and character of alcoholism, its duration and frequency of remissions and relapses don’t matter in this case.
For the success of coding the patient must be absolutely sober during the session. He ought to keep off alcohol no less, than 7-10 days before the therapy. He is forbidden to take anything, containing alcohol, including beer, other alcoholic drinks and medicines, having alcohol in their content. Meeting this requirement, the patient proves his intentions to be serious; it strengthens his will and proves his ability to perceive psychological information.
Suggestive treatment for alcoholism has age limit. Patients aged no less than 22 and older can be treated this way.
The principle of suggestive method
During the session of coding the psychological and hypnotic influence on the patient’s consciousness takes place. He is suggested indifference to alcohol for a certain period of time, sobriety mindset, due to which the patient looses gradually his craving for alcohol. To achieve such an effect the patient needs neither deep hypnosis, nor medicaments; suggestion happens in the state of waking, the suggestionist influences on the patient’s consciousness only by word.
The doctor narrates emotionally and in colors about danger and harm of alcohol for the human body, and gradually he suggests the patient to the thought of recovery. During the session the phrases like “vodka – vomit” and “smell of vodka causes aversion” and so on – are not pronounced.
In conclusion the doctor lets the patient know, what will happen, if he tries to drink alcohol (no matter casually or intentionally) during the time mentioned in coding. The patient, who has broken the rules, experience the “code breakdown”, which may cause cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction and other serious consequences up to lethal outcome. Therefore the patient shouldn’t try alcohol to check the efficiency of coding: this may cost him a pretty penny!
Terms of coding for alcohol dependence
Prohibition, which this method of treatment implies, lasts for a certain period of time. This time is to be chosen by the patient himself. Itcanbe 1, 3 or 5 years, orlifelong. Therecommendedtermsare 3-5 years. The total absence of alcohol addiction after Dovzhenko method can be usually seen in 1-2 years. Sometimes one year of coding for alcoholism is enough for the patient to live a sober life, to refuse alcohol by himself and stop drinking forever.
After termination of coding it can be repeated again for a longer period of time or just prolonged.
Is it possible to cancel the code?
Yes, it is possible. The code can be cancelled any time without damage to patient’s health. Of course the procedure should be done by suggestionist, and better, if it is done by the same doctor, who provided the hypnotic treatment for alcoholism.
If the patient has occasionally taken alcohol within the terms of coding, he needs to visit a doctor immediately to cancel the code. If it is impossible to see a doctor at once, the code can be cancelled by phone.
Contra indications of hypnotherapy
The absolute contra indications of suggestive treatment for alcoholism, which make such treatment ineffective or even dangerous for the patient, are the following:
After the coding the patient returns to normal sober life; he receives the so-called second chance, and the further recovery depends only on him now. The less provoking situations the patient has, the easier and more comfortable his alcohol cessation will be.
We can consider the suggestive treatment successful and the patient recovered from alcoholism, only if he follows regime of absolute sobriety.